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According to SMTP protocol, a returned message (bounce message), also called '''Non-Delivery Report/Receipt (NDR)''' is an automatic message generated when there is a problem delivering a message. Providers such as Hotmail usually send some NDR when there are SPAM-related problems. NDRs contain a code that specifies the reason by which the mesaage has been returned.[https://mail.live.com/mail/troubleshooting.aspx Here] you can see a list with a meaning for every code ("SMTP error codes" section). This message is very helpful on correctly doing a Delist in Hotmail.
According to SMTP protocol, a returned message (bounce message), also called '''Non-Delivery Report/Receipt (NDR)''' is an automatic message generated when there is a problem delivering a message. Providers such as Hotmail usually send some NDR when there are SPAM-related problems. NDRs contain a code that specifies the reason by which the mesaage has been returned.[https://mail.live.com/mail/troubleshooting.aspx Here] you can see a list with a meaning for every code ("SMTP error codes" section). This message is very helpful on correctly doing a Delist in Hotmail.
====¿Cómo me conecto por SSH?====
====How do I connect via SSH?====
Para conectar por SSH vas a necesitar tanto el nombre de usuario como la dirección ip y la contraseña. Estos datos los vas a poder ver en el panel de control de Gigas.
To connect via SSH you will need both the username and the IP address and the password. You will be able to see this information in the Gigas control panel.
A continuación os dejamos una guía para conectar por SSH con los sistemas operativos de escritorio más comunes.
Below is a guide to connect via SSH with the most common desktop operating systems.
[http://www.softzone.es/manuales-software-2/uso-basico-de-putty-ssh/ Guía para conectar por SSH en Windows.]
[http://www.softzone.es/manuales-software-2/uso-basico-de-putty-ssh/ Guide to connect via SSH in Windows.]
[http://www.ehowenespanol.com/utilizar-ssh-mac-x-como_85688/ Guía para conectar por SSH en Mac.]
[http://www.ehowenespanol.com/utilizar-ssh-mac-x-como_85688/ Guide to connect via SSH on Mac.]
[http://davidburgosonline.com/devops/2012/como-conectarse-por-ssh-via-terminal/ Guía para conectar por SSH en Linux.]
[http://davidburgosonline.com/devops/2012/como-conectarse-por-ssh-via-terminal/ Guide to connect via SSH in Linux.]
Una vez nos conectemos por SSH, ya podremos dar órdenes al servidor.
Once we connect via SSH, we can give orders to the server.
====¿Cómo veo la cola de correo?====
====How do I view the mail queue?====
La cola de correo es un espacio reservado para correos electrónicos que no han podido ser entregados por cualquier causa o que van a ser entregados. Cuando tenemos problemas de SPAM, los servidores de correo rechazan nuestra conexión y los correos se quedan en la cola para volver a ser entregados pasado un tiempo. Para consultar los mensajes de la cola de correos, se puede hacer de la siguiente manera:  
The mail queue is a space reserved for emails that have not been delivered for any reason or that are going to be delivered. When we have SPAM problems, the mail servers reject our connection and the emails remain in the queue to be delivered again after a while. To check the messages in the mail queue, you can do it in the following way:
*Por SSH: hay que entrar por SSH y ejecutar el comando postqueue -p
*By SSH: you have to log in via SSH and run the command postqueue -p
*Panel Plesk: hay que ir a Herramientas y configuración > Correo > Configuración de servidor de correo > Cola de correo. Haciendo click en el asunto del mensaje podrás ver las cabeceras del correo electrónico.
*Plesk Panel: you have to go to Tools and settings > Mail > Mail server settings > Mail queue. By clicking on the subject of the message you will be able to see the email headers.
===¿Envías newsletter que se califican como SPAM?===
===Do you send newsletters that are classified as SPAM?===
En el caso en el que envíes muchas newsletter, es posible que seas calificado como spammer debido a que hayas enviado muchísimos correos de manera muy rápida a muchas cuentas (lo mismo que hacen los spammers). Te recomendamos que antes de enviar un boletín de noticias (newsletter) revises si está bien formado para que los filtros antispam te lo califiquen como SPAM o no. Esta web quizás sea de gran ayuda: [http://spamscorechecker.com spamscorechecker.com].
If you send a lot of newsletters, it is possible that you are classified as a spammer because you have sent a lot of emails very quickly to many accounts (the same as spammers do). We recommend that before sending a newsletter you check if it is well-formed so that the anti-spam filters classify it as SPAM or not. This website may be of great help: [http://spamscorechecker.com spamscorechecker.com].
==Main symptoms==
==Principales síntomas==
In this section we will analyze the main symptoms that make us see that we are suffering a blockage or have a low reputation.
En esta sección vamos a analizar los principales síntomas que nos hacen ver que estamos sufriendo un bloqueo o tenemos una reputación baja.
Email service providers take many measures and checks before accepting an email. These checks are what determine whether an email should go to the inbox, the SPAM folder, should be returned or should not be delivered. All this depends on our reputation.
Los proveedores de servicios de correo electrónico toman muchas medidas y comprobaciones antes de aceptar un correo electrónico. Estas comprobaciones son las que determinan si un correo debe entrar a la bandeja de entrada, a la bandeja de SPAM, debe ser devuelto o no debe ser ni entregado. Todo esto depende de nuestra reputación.  
When an email goes to the SPAM folder, the main symptom is that our recipient does not see the email (or sees it in the SPAM folder).
Cuando un correo entra en la bandeja de SPAM, el principal síntoma es que nuestro destinatario no ve el correo (o lo ve en la carpeta dedicada al SPAM).
When an email is bounced when sending an email, the mail server will return it to us with an error code and the reasons why it was bounced.
Cuando un correo es devuelto al enviar un correo, el servidor de correo nos lo devolverá con un código de error y las razones por las que se ha devuelto.
When an email is not delivered, the messages will be queued on your mail server to be re-delivered after a set time. We will also get an error code to know the reasons for the rejection.
Cuando un correo no es entregado, los mensajes se quedarán encolados en vuestro servidor de correo para volverlos a servir pasado un tiempo establecido. También obtendremos un código de error para saber las causas del rechazo.
===Reasons and solutions===
===Razones y soluciones===
To explain it in a simpler way, let's say that our IP and domain have a reputation on the Internet that is estimated based on several parameters. One of them is the blacklists, which evaluate whether an IP (or range) has been sending spam. Other providers such as Hotmail or Gmail have their own methods (in the case of Hotmail it is called smartscreen) and there are times when their verdict will have nothing to do with the blacklists (both for good and for bad). Another very important thing is to have a correct configuration so that when the time comes when they ask us about our “identity”, we are clear and honest enough so that they do not doubt us. This will lead to better data verification and therefore a better reputation.
Para explicarlo de forma más sencilla, digamos que nuestra ip y dominio tienen una reputación en Internet que se estima en base a varios parámetros. Uno de ellos son las listas negras (blacklists), las cuales evalúan si una ip (o rango) ha estado enviando spam. Otros proveedores como Hotmail o Gmail tienen sus propios métodos (en el caso de Hotmail se llama smartscreen) y hay veces en los que su veredicto no tendrá nada que ver con las listas negras (tanto para bien como para mal). Otra cosa muy importante es tener una configuración correcta para que cuando llegue el momento en el que nos pregunten por nuestra “identidad”, seamos claros y lo suficientemente sinceros para que no duden de nosotros. Esto conllevará una mejor verificación de datos y por lo tanto una mejor reputación.
==Basic configuration==
==Configuración básica==
===How can I check that I have configured it correctly?===
===¿Cómo puedo comprobar que lo he configurado correctamente?===
You can use the website [http://www.mail-tester.com mail-tester.com] to check your score regarding the configuration. It involves sending an email to the address they tell you and once you do it you will be able to see if your configuration is correct or not, indicating the errors if you have them. More directly you can check [https://www.mail-tester.com/spf-dkim-check here] your SPF (you have to put the domain) and the DKIM (the selector is usually "default").
Puedes utilizar la web [http://www.mail-tester.com mail-tester.com] para comprobar tu puntuación respecto a la configuración. Se trata de enviar un email a la dirección que ellos te dicen y una vez lo hagas podrás ver si tu configuración está bien hecha o no, indicándote los fallos en caso de tenerlos. De forma más directa puedes comprobar [https://www.mail-tester.com/spf-dkim-check aquí] tu SPF (hay que poner el dominio) y el DKIM (el selector suele ser "default").
===I haven't had a good score :(===
===No he tenido una buena puntuación :(===
If you haven't had a good score in the checker from the previous point, you have to configure the basic elements so that they don't doubt our identity.
Si no has tenido una buena puntuación en el comprobador del punto anterior, hay que configurar los elementos básicos para que no duden sobre nuestra identidad.  
====HELO / PTR====
====HELO / PTR====
El HELO es uno de los pasos del protocolo SMTP. Es como preguntar a un servidor de correo ¿cómo te llamas? Este parámetro se configura en el servidor de correo, pero en los servidores con paneles el cambio tiene que ser a través del panel. A continuación detallamos cómo cambiar el HELO tanto en linux sin panel como en linux con panel:
The HELO is one of the steps of the SMTP protocol. It is like asking a mail server what is your name? This parameter is configured on the mail server, but on servers with panels the change has to be done through the panel. Below we detail how to change the HELO both in Linux without a panel and in Linux with a panel:
   <li>Linux sin panel:  
   <li>Linux without panel:  
     <ol type="a">
     <ol type="a">
       <li>Cambiar en el archivo /etc/postfix/main.cf el parámetro myhostname y smtpd_banner (deben contener un subdominio que resuelva mediante DNS).</li>
       <li>Change the parameters myhostname and smtpd_banner in the /etc/postfix/main.cf file (they must contain a subdomain that resolves via DNS).</li>
       <li>También sirve el comando postconf -e myhostname=mail.tudominio.com</li>
       <li>The command postconf -e myhostname=mail.yourdomain.com also works</li>
*Linux con cPanel: poner en "Configuración de red > Cambiar nombre del servidor> Nuevo nombre de servidor" un dominio que esté en el VPS y que resuelva.
*Linux with cPanel: put in "Network Settings > Change Server Name > New Server Name" a domain that is on the VPS and that resolves.
*Linux con Plesk: poner en "Inicio > Herramientas y configuración > Herramientas y configuración > Configuración del servidor > Configuración del sistema > Nombre completo del host" un dominio que esté en el VPS y resuelva.
*Linux with Plesk: put in "Start > Tools and Settings > Tools and Settings > Server Settings > System Settings > Full Host Name" a domain that is on the VPS and that resolves.
El [https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sender_Policy_Framework SPF] es un registro DNS de tipo TXT que indica quién puede enviar correos en nombre de ese dominio. Los filtros anti-spam, al dudar de la reputación de una ip o vericidad de un correo se preguntan "¿Puede la ip que me ha enviado este correo enviar en nombre de ese dominio?" y, entonces, es el SPF el que responde a la pregunta "¿Quién puede enviar correos en nombre de mi dominio?".
The [https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sender_Policy_Framework SPF] is a TXT type DNS record that indicates who can send emails on behalf of that domain. Anti-spam filters, when doubting the reputation of an IP or the authenticity of an email, ask themselves "Can the IP that sent me this email send on behalf of that domain?" and, then, it is the SPF that answers the question "Who can send emails on behalf of my domain?".
=====¿Tengo configurado mi SPF? ¿Cómo sé cuál es mi SPF?=====
=====Do I have my SPF configured? How do I know what my SPF is?=====
Para comprobar tu SPF puedes utilizar muchos comprobadores online como [http://www.kitterman.com/spf/validate.html este].
To check your SPF you can use many online checkers like [http://www.kitterman.com/spf/validate.html this one].
Un ejemplo de SPF puede ser el siguiente:  
An example of SPF could be the following:
<pre>v=spf1 ip4: include:_spf.google.com -all</pre>
<pre>v=spf1 ip4: include:_spf.google.com -all</pre>
En el caso de que no haya SPF en el comprobador nos saldrá el siguiente texto:  
If there is no SPF in the checker we will get the following text:
<pre>No valid SPF record found of either type TXT or type SPF.</pre>
<pre>No valid SPF record found of either type TXT or type SPF.</pre>
=====Where do I configure my SPF?=====
=====¿Dónde configuro mi SPF?=====
As we have already defined, the SPF is a TXT type DNS record. That is, you will have to add it in your DNS configuration panel. If you do not have the domain contracted with Gigas, the panel is that of your domain provider. In the case where you have changed the NS records and have put them in the type yourip.dnsgigas.es ([[How_to_use_the_DNS_of_my_Gigas_server_if_my_domain_is_registered_with_another_provider|here is a tutorial]]), the panel will be cPanel or Plesk. Therefore the SPF records will be automatically configured by the panel. In the case that you do not have a panel, the TXT record configuration must be done manually on the DNS server.
Como ya hemos definido, el SPF es un registro DNS de tipo TXT. Es decir, habrá que añadirlo en tu panel de configuración DNS. Si no tienes el dominio contratado con Gigas, el panel es el de tu proveedor de dominios. En el caso en el que hayas cambiado los registros NS y los hayas puesto del tipo tuip.dnsgigas.es ([[Cómo_utilizar_las_DNS_de_mi_servidor_de_Gigas_si_mi_dominio_está_registrado_en_otro_proveedor|aquí tienes un tutorial]]), el panel será cPanel o Plesk. Por lo tanto los registros SPF estarán configurados automáticamente por el panel. En el caso de que no tengas un panel, la configuración del registro TXT se debe hacer a mano en el servidor DNS.
If you do not remember where you configure your DNS records, go to https://www.whatsmydns.net/#NS and check your domain (you must put your domain in the white box and the record type: NS).
*If after clicking on search, the answer is dns0[1,2,3 and 4].gigas.com, you must do the configuration from your Gigas panel. *If the answer is of the type tuip.dnsgigas.es and tuip.ns2.dnsgigas.es, you have to configure it through the panel you have (Plesk or cPanel).
*If the result is another, copy and paste the answer and make a query of type A, it will tell you the IP in which you have to configure it.
Si no te acuerdas desde dónde configuras tus registros DNS, entra en https://www.whatsmydns.net/#NS y comprueba tu dominio (hay que poner tu dominio en el cuadro blanco y el tipo de registro: NS).
=====What do I put as SPF?=====
*Si tras darle a buscar, la respuesta es dns0[1,2,3 y 4].gigas.com, la configuración la tienes que hacer desde tu panel de Gigas.
*Si la respuesta es del tipo tuip.dnsgigas.es y tuip.ns2.dnsgigas.es, tienes que configurarlo a través del panel que tengas (Plesk o cPanel).
*Si el resultado es otro, copia y pega la respuesta y haz una consulta de tipo A, te dirá la ip en la que lo tienes que configurar.
=====¿Qué pongo como SPF?=====
The SPF has a defined structure, that is, you cannot put something without sense. To generate your SPF record, it is best to enter [http://www.spfwizard.net/es/ this wizard] and answer the questions it asks you. Once you finish, you will have to put the record that it generates at the top. In the case that you put it through a panel, the type would be TXT and the content would be what is between quotes.
El SPF tiene una estructura definida, es decir, no se puede poner algo sin sentido. Para generar tu registro SPF, lo mejor es que entres en [http://www.spfwizard.net/es/ este asistente] y respondas a las preguntas que te hace. Una vez termines, tendrás que poner el registro que te genera en la parte superior. En el caso de que lo pongas a través de un panel, el tipo sería TXT y el contenido sería lo que hay entre comillas.
====Domain Keys / DKIM====
====Domain Keys / DKIM====
[https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/DomainKeys DomainKeys] es un mecanismo de autenticación para comprobar que el que ha enviado el correo es realmente quien dice que es. En pocas palabras, cuando los filtros antispam se preguntan sobre la veracidad del correo que acaban de recibir se preguntan ¿este usuario es realmente quien dice que es? y mediante DomainKeys se obtiene esa respuesta.
[https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/DomainKeys DomainKeys] is an authentication mechanism to verify that the person who sent the email is really who they say they are. In short, when antispam filters wonder about the veracity of the email they just received, they ask themselves: is this user really who they say they are? and DomainKeys gives that answer.
A continuación detallamos habilitar DomainKeys tanto en linux sin panel como en linux con panel:
Below we detail how to enable DomainKeys both on Linux without a panel and on Linux with a panel:
*Linux sin panel: tendrás que buscar por Google cómo hacerlo para tu servidor de correo (generalmente postfix) y tu distribución linux ya que no hay una forma única de hacerlo.
*Linux without a panel: you will have to search Google for how to do it for your mail server (usually postfix) and your Linux distribution since there is no unique way to do it.
*Linux con Plesk:
*Linux with Plesk:
*#Habilitar la opción "Inicio > Herramientas y configuración > Configuración de correo a nivel de servidor > Protección antispam DomainKeys > Permitir la firma de correo saliente".
*#Enable the option "Start > Tools and settings > Server-level mail settings > DomainKeys antispam protection > Allow outgoing mail signing".
*#Habilitar la opción "Inicio > Suscripciones > tudominio > Sitios web y dominios > Configuración de correo  > Usar el sistema de protección antispam DomainKeys para la firma de los correos salientes".
*#Enable the option "Home > Subscriptions > yourdomain > Websites and domains > Mail settings > Use DomainKeys antispam protection system for signing outgoing emails".
*Linux con cPanel:
*Linux with cPanel:
*#En cPanel ir a "Correo > Autenticación de correo electrónico" y habilitar el "DKIM".
*#In cPanel go to "Mail > Email authentication" and enable "DKIM".
====Limitación de envíos====
====Sending limits====
A veces es bueno limitar el número de mensajes que se pueden enviar para evitar una pérdida de reputación. Cuando nuestro servidor es comprometido, los SPAMMERS empezarán a enviar cientos de miles de correos por todo el mundo. Habilitando estos límites detectaremos el problema y evitaremos que el desastre sea mayor.  
Sometimes it is good to limit the number of messages that can be sent to avoid a loss of reputation. When our server is compromised, SPAMMERS will start sending hundreds of thousands of emails around the world. By enabling these limits we will detect the problem and prevent the disaster from becoming greater.
A continuación detallamos cómo limitar el número de mensajes salientes tanto en Linux sin panel como en Linux con panel:
Below we detail how to limit the number of outgoing messages both in Linux without a panel and in Linux with a panel:
*Linux sin panel: dado que suele ser instalado por usuarios avanzados, recomendamos el uso de [http://wiki.policyd.org/start policyd].
*Linux without a panel: since it is usually installed by advanced users, we recommend the use of [http://wiki.policyd.org/start policyd].
*Linux con Plesk:
*Linux with Plesk:
*#Habilita la opción en "Inicio > Herramientas y configuración > Configuración de correo a nivel de servidor > Activar limitaciones de correos salientes".  
*#Enable the option in "Start > Tools and Settings > Server-level mail settings > Enable outgoing email restrictions".
*#Rellena los campos según estimes en base al uso de tu servidor de correo.  
*#Fill in the fields as you estimate based on the use of your mail server.
==Where can viruses be found?==
==¿Dónde pueden estar los virus?==
SPAM sending viruses can be found both on clients and on the server. That is, they can be on your own computer or mobile device, as well as on your own server.
Los virus de envío de SPAM se pueden encontrar tanto en los clientes como en el servidor. Es decir, pueden estar tanto en tu propio ordenador o dispositivo móvil, como en tu propio servidor.
===Viruses on clients===
===Virus en los clientes===
There are times when devices are infected with the sole purpose of sending SPAM through mail programs. You should check all the devices that have had access to your server's mail accounts with several antivirus programs.
Hay veces en que los dispositivos son infectados con el único objetivo de enviar SPAM a través de los programas de correo. Tendrías que revisar con varios antivirus todos los dispositivos que han tenido acceso a las cuentas de correo de tu servidor.  
In the case where the emails stay in the mail queue, in the '''headers of queued emails''' there may be important information in the '''X-Mailer''' section. This is where it usually appears from where the email was sent (for example Windows Live Mail, iPhone, etc.).
En el caso en el que los correos se queden en la cola de correo, en las '''cabeceras de los correos encolados''' puede que haya información importante en el apartado de '''X-Mailer'''. Ahí suele aparecer desde dónde se ha enviado el correo (por ejemplo Windows Live Mail, iPhone, etc).
Other times, what happens is that one of the accounts has a password very weak and it has been guessed. In that case, you will have to change the password of all users and set a stronger password (you can check the strength of your password at [http://howsecureismypassword.net/ this link]).
Otras veces, lo que pasa es que alguna de las cuentas tienen una contraseña muy débil y esta ha sido adivinada. En ese caso, tendrás que cambiar la contraseña de todos los usuarios y establecer una contraseña más segura (puedes consultar la fortaleza de tu contraseña en [http://howsecureismypassword.net/ este enlace]).
===Virus on the server===
===Virus en el servidor===
Just like on the clients, you can also run an antivirus on the server. We recommend the antivirus [http://www.clamav.net/index.html ClamAV]. To run the antivirus you have to connect via SSH to your server (if you don't know how to do it, it is explained above) and install and run the antivirus (each distribution has a method). Search on the internet how to install ClamAV for your distribution.
De igual forma que en los clientes, también se puede pasar un antivirus al servidor. Nosotros recomendamos el antivirus [http://www.clamav.net/index.html ClamAV]. Para pasar el antivirus tienes que conectar por SSH a tu servidor (si no sabes cómo hacerlo se explica más arriba) e instalar y ejecutar el antivirus (cada distribución tiene un método). Buscar por internet cómo instalar ClamAV para tu distribución.
Another way to find viruses (scripts) that send mass emails is to '''enable the log of sent emails'''.
Otra forma para encontrar los virus (scripts) que envían correos de manera masiva es '''habilitar el log de emails de envío'''.
In case you have a Plesk panel:
*follow [http://kb.odin.com/en/114845 these instructions if your mail server is Postfix] (the most common)
*follow [http://kb.odin.com/en/1711 these instructions if your mail server is Qmail].
En el caso en el que tengas un panel Plesk:
====Virus on the server. Special case of Wordpress====
*sigue [http://kb.odin.com/es/114845 estas instrucciones si tu servidor de correo es Postfix] (el más común)
*sigue [http://kb.odin.com/es/1711 estas instrucciones si tu servidor de correo es Qmail].  
====Virus en el servidor. Caso especial de Wordpress====
The number of Wordpress that have been compromised by spammers to achieve their goal is especially large: to intervene in the server and send SPAM from other servers. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you keep both your wordpress and your plugins updated. To do this automatically, you can use [https://wordpress.org/plugins/automatic-plugin-updates/ this plugin].
Es especialmente grande el número de Wordpress que han sido comprometidos por spammers para lograr su objetivo: intervenir el servidor y enviar SPAM desde otros servidores. Es MUY IMPORTANTE que mantengas tanto tu wordpress como tus plugins actualizados. Para que esto se haga de manera automática, puedes utilizar [https://wordpress.org/plugins/automatic-plugin-updates/ este plugin].
It is also important that you do not use pirated paid themes since they frequently include malware to infect the servers and take control of them. There are numerous [https://wordpress.org/themes/ free themes on the Wordpress website].
Es también importante que no se utilicen temas de pago piratas ya que frecuentemente incluyen malware para infectar los servidores y tomar el control de ellos. Hay numerosos [https://es.wordpress.org/themes/ temas gratuitos en la página web de Wordpress].
==Listas negras (blacklist)==
There are blacklist services on the internet that detect and list IPs that are sending SPAM. Some of these blacklists are highly regarded when accepting mail from an IP and other blacklists are less so. If your server is correctly configured (please check the points above to make sure) and you are on a blacklist, it is very likely that a malicious program (hereinafter a virus) is sending mail from your server. There are many websites to check if your IP is on a blacklist such as [http://multirbl.valli.org/ multirbl] or [http://mxtoolbox.com/blacklists.aspx mxtoolbox].
Hay servicios de listas negras en internet que detectan y listan las ips que están enviando SPAM. Algunas de estas listas negras son muy tenidas en cuenta a la hora de aceptar correo de una ip y otras listas negras son menos tenidas en cuenta. Si tu servidor está correctamente configurado (por favor, revisa los puntos anteriores para asegurarte) y estás en listas negras, es muy probable que se deba a que un programa malicioso (en adelante virus) está enviando correos desde tu servidor. Hay muchísimas webs para comprobar si tu ip está en una lista negra como por ejemplo [http://multirbl.valli.org/ multirbl] o [http://mxtoolbox.com/blacklists.aspx mxtoolbox].  
It is important to note that there are "pirate" blacklists that, despite not being relevant in the fight against SPAM, ask for money to be removed from the list. Never pay for such services and do not confuse them with professional blacklist monitoring services.
Es importante resaltar que hay listas negras "pirata" que a pesar de no tener relevancia en la lucha contra el SPAM, piden dinero para ser deslistados. No pagues nunca por ese tipo de servicios y no los confundas con servicios profesionales de monitorización de listas negras.
It is also important to note that there are certain blacklists that have checks that do not apply to everyone (for example dnsblchile.org). Therefore, they do not provide relevant information.
También hay que tener en cuenta que hay ciertas blacklist que tienen comprobaciones que no se aplican a todo el mundo (por ejemplo dnsblchile.org). Por lo tanto, no dan información relevante.  
El delist es el deslistado de tu ip en los servicios que te están ocasionando problemas. Los grandes proveedores de servidios de correo ofrecen formularios de contacto para que les solicites que tu ip no sea categorizada como SPAM. Es MUY IMPORTANTE que solicites el delist siempre y cuando te hayas asegurado de:  
Delisting is the removal of your IP from the services that are causing you problems. The major email service providers offer contact forms so that you can request that your IP not be categorized as SPAM. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you request delisting as long as you have made sure that:
#Tener la configuración de identificación bien hecha (ver apartado [[#Configuración_básica|Configuración básica]]).  
#You have the identification configuration done correctly (see section [[#Basic_configuration|Basic configuration]]).
#Tu servidor no está comprometido y por lo tanto no estás enviando SPAM de manera no intencionada.  
#Your server is not compromised and therefore you are not sending SPAM unintentionally. #It is a very good idea to create contact emails such as postmaster@yourdomain.com, abuse@yourdomain.com and webmaster@yourdomain.com in the delisting process, as they give greater legitimacy to the IP and domain.
#Es muy buena idea crear correos de contacto de tipo postmaster@tudomino.com, abuse@tudominio.com y webmaster@tudominio.com en el proceso del deslist, ya que dan mayor legitimidad a la IP y dominio.
Si solicitas el delist y no cumples estas tres características, el delist no se efectuará y será incluso perjudicial, ya que hará que sea más difícil salir de nuevo de la lista negra.  
If you request delisting and do not meet these three characteristics, the delisting will not be carried out and will even be harmful, as it will make it more difficult to get off the blacklist again.
====Delist Hotmail====
====Hotmail Delist====
Haz click aquí para solicitar el [https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/getsupport?oaspworkflow=start_1.0.0.0&wfname=capsub&productkey=edfsmsbl3&locale=es-es delist en Hotmail]. Durante el proceso necesitarán el mensaje de error (ver más arriba [[#¿Qué_es_un_NDR?|¿Qué es un NDR?]]) que te devuelve Hotmail al rechazarte un correo (hay que ponerlo en el apartado que dice "Copie y pegue los mensajes de error:" ). Es más efectivo que lo rellenes 2 veces, una vez indicando que el dominio al que se envía es a hotmail.com y otra indicando que es a outlook.com.
Click here to request the [https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/getsupport?oaspworkflow=start_1.0.0.0&wfname=capsub&productkey=edfsmsbl3&locale=es-es delist in Hotmail]. During the process they will need the error message (see above [[#What_is_an_NDR?|What is an NDR?]]) that Hotmail returns when rejecting an email (you have to put it in the section that says "Copy and paste error messages:" ). It is more effective if you fill it out twice, once indicating that the domain to which it is sent is hotmail.com and another indicating that it is outlook.com.
====Delist Gmail====
====Gmail Delist====
Haz click aquí para solicitar el [https://support.google.com/mail/contact/msgdelivery delist en Gmail].  
Click here to request the [https://support.google.com/mail/contact/msgdelivery delist in Gmail].
====Delist Yahoo====
====Yahoo Delist====
Haz click aquí para solicitar el [http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/postmaster/bulkv2.html delist en Yahoo]. Antes de solicitar este delist es importante comprobar si apareces [http://www.spamhaus.org/lookup/ aquí].
Click here to request the [http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/postmaster/bulkv2.html delist on Yahoo]. Before requesting this delist it is important to check if you appear [http://www.spamhaus.org/lookup/ here].
====Reenvío de correos====
====Mail forwarding====
'''NO''' es recomendable tener una dirección de correo electrónico que reenvíe el correo a otro proveedor de correo (Gmail... Hotmail...). Puede suceder que nos llege una gran cantidad de correos que serán automáticamente reenviados al proveedor de correo, lo que hará que el proveedor detecte que le estás enviando una gran cantidad de correos (tienen sus propios límites de correos por minuto/hora) y llegue a banear tu servidor. Ten en cuenta que estos proveedores ofrecen soluciones para empresas de pago y el efecto que se consigue con el reenvío es el mismo pero de manera gratuita.  
'''It is NOT''' advisable to have an email address that forwards mail to another email provider (Gmail... Hotmail...). It may happen that we receive a large amount of emails that will be automatically forwarded to the email provider, which will cause the provider to detect that you are sending a large amount of emails (they have their own limits of emails per minute/hour) and may ban your server. Keep in mind that these providers offer paid solutions for companies and the effect achieved with forwarding is the same but for free.
==He recibido un correo porque estoy bloqueado por Hotmail ¿Qué hago?==
==I received an email because I'm blocked by Hotmail. What do I do?==
Lo más importante es asegurarse de que la configuración básica (ver apartado "[[#Configuración_básica|Configuración básica]]") está bien hecha y comprobar que tu servidor no está enviando SPAM habilitando el log de correo durante unas horas (ver apartado "[[#¿Dónde_pueden_estar_los_virus?|¿Dónde pueden estar los virus?]]")
The most important thing is to make sure that the basic configuration (see section "[[#Basic_configuration|Basic configuration]]") is done correctly and to check that your server is not sending SPAM by enabling the mail log for a few hours (see section "[[#Where_can_viruses_be?|Where can viruses be?]]")
Si ya has comprobado que la configuración está correctamente y que no estás enviando SPAM, debes registrarte en 2 programas de Hotmail para la lucha contra el SPAM: [https://postmaster.live.com/snds/ SNDS y JMRP].
If you have already checked that the configuration is correct and that you are not sending SPAM, you must register for 2 Hotmail programs to fight SPAM: [https://postmaster.live.com/snds/ SNDS and JMRP].
Una vez hecho todo esto, el delist de Hotmail (ver apartado "[[#Delist|Deslist]]") será con toda seguridad exitoso y podrás enviar correos a Hotmail sin problema.
Once all this is done, the Hotmail delist (see section "[[#Delist|Delist]]") will most likely be successful and you will be able to send emails to Hotmail without any problem.
[https://postmaster.live.com/snds SNDS] (Smart Network Data Service) es un programa web que pone a disposición Microsoft para saber cuándo han detectado SPAM desde tu servidor. Para saberlo, tienes que entrar en [https://postmaster.live.com/snds/ esta web] y validarte para saber los datos sobre tu ip. Para ello, lo primero que necesitas es una cuenta de Hotmail. Una vez inicies sesión, tendrás que ir a Request Access y poner tu ip en el campo "Network to request access for:". Una vez le des a submit, te pedirá una cuenta a la que hacer la validación. Debe aparecer, entre varias, una cuenta del tipo [[mailto:abuse@tudominio.com abuse@tudominio.com]] la cual, si no existe, tendrás que crear y continuar para que te validen. Si no aparece una cuenta relacionada con tu dominio, tendrás que revisar el apartado de la guía de configuración (no se está detectando el PTR).  
[https://postmaster.live.com/snds SNDS] (Smart Network Data Service) is a web program that Microsoft makes available to know when they have detected SPAM from your server. To find out, you have to go to [https://postmaster.live.com/snds/ this website] and validate yourself to know the data about your IP. To do this, the first thing you need is a Hotmail account. Once you log in, you will have to go to Request Access and put your IP in the "Network to request access for:" field. Once you click submit, it will ask you for an account to validate. One of several accounts should appear, such as [[mailto:abuse@yourdomain.com abuse@yourdomain.com]] which, if it does not exist, you will have to create and continue to be validated. If an account related to your domain does not appear, you will have to review the configuration guide section (the PTR is not being detected).
'''Importante''': la solicitud tiene que hacerse a una cuenta a la que tengas acceso. Nosotros, desde Gigas, no podemos aceptar ninguna solicitud hecha a las cuentas de @gigas.com. Por el resto de cuentas no te preocupes, son parte de un proceso automatizado de validación que hace el SNDS. Te llegará un correo a esa cuenta y una vez le des click al enlace que contiene podrás ver los datos. ¿Cómo? accediendo al apartado de View Data en el portal SNDS y buscando en el calendario el momento en el que detectaron el SPAM ( '''bajo este párrafo tienes un ejemplo''' ). Todos los detalles técnicos y demás información están explicados en su apartado de [https://postmaster.live.com/snds/FAQ.aspx preguntas frecuentes/FAQ] (sólo disponible en inglés).
'''Important''': the request must be made to an account that you have access to. We, at Gigas, cannot accept any request made to @gigas.com accounts. Don't worry about the rest of the accounts, they are part of an automated validation process carried out by the SNDS. You will receive an email to that account and once you click on the link it contains, you will be able to see the data. How? By accessing the View Data section in the SNDS portal and searching the calendar for the moment in which they detected the SPAM ( '''under this paragraph you have an example''' ). All the technical details and other information are explained in their [https://postmaster.live.com/snds/FAQ.aspx FAQ] section (only available in English).
[https://postmaster.live.com/snds/JMRP.aspx JMRP] (Junk Mail Reporting Program) es un programa web que pone a disposición Microsoft para saber qué se ha detectado como SPAM desde tu servidor. Entra [https://postmaster.live.com/snds/JMRP.aspx aquí] (es un apartado dentro del portal del SNDS), completa los campos con datos REALES (pide en complain format que te manden el mensaje original) y sigue con el procedimiento (te llegará un email el cual tendrás que firmar digitalmente). Ten cuenta que este tipo de compromisos son muy tenidos en cuenta por Microsoft tanto para bien como para mal, es decir, rellenar el JMRP con la configuración correcta y estando seguros de que no estamos enviando SPAM de manera maliciosa puede tener muy buenas consecuencias (el deslistado será más rápido y efectivo). Rellenar el JMRP cuando la configuración está mal o se está enviando SPAM de manera no intencionada puede tener malas consecuencias.
[https://postmaster.live.com/snds/JMRP.aspx JMRP] (Junk Mail Reporting Program) is a web program that Microsoft makes available to find out what has been detected as SPAM from your server. Go to [https://postmaster.live.com/snds/JMRP.aspx here] (it is a section within the SNDS portal), fill in the fields with REAL data (ask in the complain format to send you the original message) and continue with the procedure (you will receive an email which you will have to digitally sign). Keep in mind that these types of commitments are highly taken into account by Microsoft both for good and for bad, that is, filling out the JMRP with the correct configuration and being sure that we are not sending SPAM maliciously can have very good consequences (the delisting will be faster and more effective). Filling out the JMRP when the configuration is incorrect or when SPAM is being sent unintentionally can have bad consequences.

Revisión actual del 11:15 13 feb 2025

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I have SPAM, what should I do?

You have to follow these three steps:

  1. Check that your mail configuration if ok (Basic configuration section)
  2. Check that you are not sending SPAM (Where are the viruses? section)
  3. If you have a correct configuration and you are not sending SPAM, you may ask for delist (Delist section). In the case of a Hotmail blocking, you must also read the section "I have received a mail telling me that I am blocked by Hotmail. What can I do?".

What is SPAM? A bit of history and some data

Fight against SPAM is an ongoing battle that held from many years ago, almost since the creation of the Internet. According to a Kaspersky analysis 59,2% of email is SPAM, although this level has reached a 90% value some times. Imagine thatr 9 out of 10 letters arriving your mailbox were commercial related or tried to scam you (phishing). Another point, according to this Hotmail Junkmail guide:

"We've implemented a number of mechanisms to reduce the burden of junk email which currently prevents nearly 4.5 billion email messages from reaching Outlook.com users every day!".

It is, thus, a big problem both for users and for IT professionals due to the problems of communication and scams and the great amount of resources being used to mitigate this problem.

This means two things:

  1. You are not the sole person affected. At Gigas we find everyday this kind of problem.
  2. Is a difficult-to-fix problem. By the moment, the only solution is to involve every technical and human resource so you are not identified as a SPAMMER and so the reputation of your IP improves.

Requirements to this guide

Initial concepts

Before going any further, it is mandatory to know the basic concepts for both sending/receiving mail and calculating your ip reputation.

What is an IP?

An IP address is the public address your server has to be reached from the Internet. As houses have an address based on the postal code system (street, number floor and door number), to reach your server from the Internet an IP address is needed.It is usually formed of 4 groups of numbers in the 0-255 range. For example, the real Gigas IP address is Later on you will know how to get the address for any server.

What is SMTP?

SMTP is the protocol for mail exchange in the Internet. It contains the steps and rules that two computers have to follow in order to successfully send electronic mail between them.

What is SSH?

SSH is a protocol that lets you connect remotely to your Gigas server. By using this service you can get into a terminal in your server, from which you can run as many commands as you want. Web panels are sometimes insufficient to accomplish some tasks, so this is why connecting to some systems through SSH is sometimes necessary in order to obtains some information or carry out some change.

What is NDR?

According to SMTP protocol, a returned message (bounce message), also called Non-Delivery Report/Receipt (NDR) is an automatic message generated when there is a problem delivering a message. Providers such as Hotmail usually send some NDR when there are SPAM-related problems. NDRs contain a code that specifies the reason by which the mesaage has been returned.Here you can see a list with a meaning for every code ("SMTP error codes" section). This message is very helpful on correctly doing a Delist in Hotmail.

How do I connect via SSH?

To connect via SSH you will need both the username and the IP address and the password. You will be able to see this information in the Gigas control panel.

Below is a guide to connect via SSH with the most common desktop operating systems.

Guide to connect via SSH in Windows.

Guide to connect via SSH on Mac.

Guide to connect via SSH in Linux.

Once we connect via SSH, we can give orders to the server.

How do I view the mail queue?

The mail queue is a space reserved for emails that have not been delivered for any reason or that are going to be delivered. When we have SPAM problems, the mail servers reject our connection and the emails remain in the queue to be delivered again after a while. To check the messages in the mail queue, you can do it in the following way:

  • By SSH: you have to log in via SSH and run the command postqueue -p
  • Plesk Panel: you have to go to Tools and settings > Mail > Mail server settings > Mail queue. By clicking on the subject of the message you will be able to see the email headers.

Do you send newsletters that are classified as SPAM?

If you send a lot of newsletters, it is possible that you are classified as a spammer because you have sent a lot of emails very quickly to many accounts (the same as spammers do). We recommend that before sending a newsletter you check if it is well-formed so that the anti-spam filters classify it as SPAM or not. This website may be of great help: spamscorechecker.com.

Main symptoms

In this section we will analyze the main symptoms that make us see that we are suffering a blockage or have a low reputation.

Email service providers take many measures and checks before accepting an email. These checks are what determine whether an email should go to the inbox, the SPAM folder, should be returned or should not be delivered. All this depends on our reputation.

When an email goes to the SPAM folder, the main symptom is that our recipient does not see the email (or sees it in the SPAM folder).

When an email is bounced when sending an email, the mail server will return it to us with an error code and the reasons why it was bounced.

When an email is not delivered, the messages will be queued on your mail server to be re-delivered after a set time. We will also get an error code to know the reasons for the rejection.

Reasons and solutions

To explain it in a simpler way, let's say that our IP and domain have a reputation on the Internet that is estimated based on several parameters. One of them is the blacklists, which evaluate whether an IP (or range) has been sending spam. Other providers such as Hotmail or Gmail have their own methods (in the case of Hotmail it is called smartscreen) and there are times when their verdict will have nothing to do with the blacklists (both for good and for bad). Another very important thing is to have a correct configuration so that when the time comes when they ask us about our “identity”, we are clear and honest enough so that they do not doubt us. This will lead to better data verification and therefore a better reputation.

Basic configuration

How can I check that I have configured it correctly?

You can use the website mail-tester.com to check your score regarding the configuration. It involves sending an email to the address they tell you and once you do it you will be able to see if your configuration is correct or not, indicating the errors if you have them. More directly you can check here your SPF (you have to put the domain) and the DKIM (the selector is usually "default").

I haven't had a good score :(

If you haven't had a good score in the checker from the previous point, you have to configure the basic elements so that they don't doubt our identity.


The HELO is one of the steps of the SMTP protocol. It is like asking a mail server what is your name? This parameter is configured on the mail server, but on servers with panels the change has to be done through the panel. Below we detail how to change the HELO both in Linux without a panel and in Linux with a panel:

  • Linux without panel:
    1. Change the parameters myhostname and smtpd_banner in the /etc/postfix/main.cf file (they must contain a subdomain that resolves via DNS).
    2. The command postconf -e myhostname=mail.yourdomain.com also works
  • Linux with cPanel: put in "Network Settings > Change Server Name > New Server Name" a domain that is on the VPS and that resolves.
  • Linux with Plesk: put in "Start > Tools and Settings > Tools and Settings > Server Settings > System Settings > Full Host Name" a domain that is on the VPS and that resolves.


The SPF is a TXT type DNS record that indicates who can send emails on behalf of that domain. Anti-spam filters, when doubting the reputation of an IP or the authenticity of an email, ask themselves "Can the IP that sent me this email send on behalf of that domain?" and, then, it is the SPF that answers the question "Who can send emails on behalf of my domain?".

Do I have my SPF configured? How do I know what my SPF is?

To check your SPF you can use many online checkers like this one.

An example of SPF could be the following:

v=spf1 ip4: include:_spf.google.com -all

If there is no SPF in the checker we will get the following text:

No valid SPF record found of either type TXT or type SPF.
Where do I configure my SPF?

As we have already defined, the SPF is a TXT type DNS record. That is, you will have to add it in your DNS configuration panel. If you do not have the domain contracted with Gigas, the panel is that of your domain provider. In the case where you have changed the NS records and have put them in the type yourip.dnsgigas.es (here is a tutorial), the panel will be cPanel or Plesk. Therefore the SPF records will be automatically configured by the panel. In the case that you do not have a panel, the TXT record configuration must be done manually on the DNS server.

If you do not remember where you configure your DNS records, go to https://www.whatsmydns.net/#NS and check your domain (you must put your domain in the white box and the record type: NS).

  • If after clicking on search, the answer is dns0[1,2,3 and 4].gigas.com, you must do the configuration from your Gigas panel. *If the answer is of the type tuip.dnsgigas.es and tuip.ns2.dnsgigas.es, you have to configure it through the panel you have (Plesk or cPanel).
  • If the result is another, copy and paste the answer and make a query of type A, it will tell you the IP in which you have to configure it.
What do I put as SPF?

The SPF has a defined structure, that is, you cannot put something without sense. To generate your SPF record, it is best to enter this wizard and answer the questions it asks you. Once you finish, you will have to put the record that it generates at the top. In the case that you put it through a panel, the type would be TXT and the content would be what is between quotes.

Domain Keys / DKIM

DomainKeys is an authentication mechanism to verify that the person who sent the email is really who they say they are. In short, when antispam filters wonder about the veracity of the email they just received, they ask themselves: is this user really who they say they are? and DomainKeys gives that answer.

Below we detail how to enable DomainKeys both on Linux without a panel and on Linux with a panel:

  • Linux without a panel: you will have to search Google for how to do it for your mail server (usually postfix) and your Linux distribution since there is no unique way to do it.
  • Linux with Plesk:
    1. Enable the option "Start > Tools and settings > Server-level mail settings > DomainKeys antispam protection > Allow outgoing mail signing".
    2. Enable the option "Home > Subscriptions > yourdomain > Websites and domains > Mail settings > Use DomainKeys antispam protection system for signing outgoing emails".
  • Linux with cPanel:
    1. In cPanel go to "Mail > Email authentication" and enable "DKIM".

Sending limits

Sometimes it is good to limit the number of messages that can be sent to avoid a loss of reputation. When our server is compromised, SPAMMERS will start sending hundreds of thousands of emails around the world. By enabling these limits we will detect the problem and prevent the disaster from becoming greater.

Below we detail how to limit the number of outgoing messages both in Linux without a panel and in Linux with a panel:

  • Linux without a panel: since it is usually installed by advanced users, we recommend the use of policyd.
  • Linux with Plesk:
    1. Enable the option in "Start > Tools and Settings > Server-level mail settings > Enable outgoing email restrictions".
    2. Fill in the fields as you estimate based on the use of your mail server.

Where can viruses be found?

SPAM sending viruses can be found both on clients and on the server. That is, they can be on your own computer or mobile device, as well as on your own server.

Viruses on clients

There are times when devices are infected with the sole purpose of sending SPAM through mail programs. You should check all the devices that have had access to your server's mail accounts with several antivirus programs.

In the case where the emails stay in the mail queue, in the headers of queued emails there may be important information in the X-Mailer section. This is where it usually appears from where the email was sent (for example Windows Live Mail, iPhone, etc.).

Other times, what happens is that one of the accounts has a password very weak and it has been guessed. In that case, you will have to change the password of all users and set a stronger password (you can check the strength of your password at this link).

Virus on the server

Just like on the clients, you can also run an antivirus on the server. We recommend the antivirus ClamAV. To run the antivirus you have to connect via SSH to your server (if you don't know how to do it, it is explained above) and install and run the antivirus (each distribution has a method). Search on the internet how to install ClamAV for your distribution.

Another way to find viruses (scripts) that send mass emails is to enable the log of sent emails.

In case you have a Plesk panel:

Virus on the server. Special case of Wordpress

The number of Wordpress that have been compromised by spammers to achieve their goal is especially large: to intervene in the server and send SPAM from other servers. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you keep both your wordpress and your plugins updated. To do this automatically, you can use this plugin.

It is also important that you do not use pirated paid themes since they frequently include malware to infect the servers and take control of them. There are numerous free themes on the Wordpress website.


There are blacklist services on the internet that detect and list IPs that are sending SPAM. Some of these blacklists are highly regarded when accepting mail from an IP and other blacklists are less so. If your server is correctly configured (please check the points above to make sure) and you are on a blacklist, it is very likely that a malicious program (hereinafter a virus) is sending mail from your server. There are many websites to check if your IP is on a blacklist such as multirbl or mxtoolbox.

It is important to note that there are "pirate" blacklists that, despite not being relevant in the fight against SPAM, ask for money to be removed from the list. Never pay for such services and do not confuse them with professional blacklist monitoring services.

It is also important to note that there are certain blacklists that have checks that do not apply to everyone (for example dnsblchile.org). Therefore, they do not provide relevant information.


Delisting is the removal of your IP from the services that are causing you problems. The major email service providers offer contact forms so that you can request that your IP not be categorized as SPAM. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you request delisting as long as you have made sure that:

  1. You have the identification configuration done correctly (see section Basic configuration).
  2. Your server is not compromised and therefore you are not sending SPAM unintentionally. #It is a very good idea to create contact emails such as postmaster@yourdomain.com, abuse@yourdomain.com and webmaster@yourdomain.com in the delisting process, as they give greater legitimacy to the IP and domain.

If you request delisting and do not meet these three characteristics, the delisting will not be carried out and will even be harmful, as it will make it more difficult to get off the blacklist again.

Hotmail Delist

Click here to request the delist in Hotmail. During the process they will need the error message (see above What is an NDR?) that Hotmail returns when rejecting an email (you have to put it in the section that says "Copy and paste error messages:" ). It is more effective if you fill it out twice, once indicating that the domain to which it is sent is hotmail.com and another indicating that it is outlook.com.

Gmail Delist

Click here to request the delist in Gmail.

Yahoo Delist

Click here to request the delist on Yahoo. Before requesting this delist it is important to check if you appear here.

Mail forwarding

It is NOT advisable to have an email address that forwards mail to another email provider (Gmail... Hotmail...). It may happen that we receive a large amount of emails that will be automatically forwarded to the email provider, which will cause the provider to detect that you are sending a large amount of emails (they have their own limits of emails per minute/hour) and may ban your server. Keep in mind that these providers offer paid solutions for companies and the effect achieved with forwarding is the same but for free.

I received an email because I'm blocked by Hotmail. What do I do?

The most important thing is to make sure that the basic configuration (see section "Basic configuration") is done correctly and to check that your server is not sending SPAM by enabling the mail log for a few hours (see section "Where can viruses be?")

If you have already checked that the configuration is correct and that you are not sending SPAM, you must register for 2 Hotmail programs to fight SPAM: SNDS and JMRP.

Once all this is done, the Hotmail delist (see section "Delist") will most likely be successful and you will be able to send emails to Hotmail without any problem.


SNDS (Smart Network Data Service) is a web program that Microsoft makes available to know when they have detected SPAM from your server. To find out, you have to go to this website and validate yourself to know the data about your IP. To do this, the first thing you need is a Hotmail account. Once you log in, you will have to go to Request Access and put your IP in the "Network to request access for:" field. Once you click submit, it will ask you for an account to validate. One of several accounts should appear, such as [abuse@yourdomain.com] which, if it does not exist, you will have to create and continue to be validated. If an account related to your domain does not appear, you will have to review the configuration guide section (the PTR is not being detected).

Important: the request must be made to an account that you have access to. We, at Gigas, cannot accept any request made to @gigas.com accounts. Don't worry about the rest of the accounts, they are part of an automated validation process carried out by the SNDS. You will receive an email to that account and once you click on the link it contains, you will be able to see the data. How? By accessing the View Data section in the SNDS portal and searching the calendar for the moment in which they detected the SPAM ( under this paragraph you have an example ). All the technical details and other information are explained in their FAQ section (only available in English).



JMRP (Junk Mail Reporting Program) is a web program that Microsoft makes available to find out what has been detected as SPAM from your server. Go to here (it is a section within the SNDS portal), fill in the fields with REAL data (ask in the complain format to send you the original message) and continue with the procedure (you will receive an email which you will have to digitally sign). Keep in mind that these types of commitments are highly taken into account by Microsoft both for good and for bad, that is, filling out the JMRP with the correct configuration and being sure that we are not sending SPAM maliciously can have very good consequences (the delisting will be faster and more effective). Filling out the JMRP when the configuration is incorrect or when SPAM is being sent unintentionally can have bad consequences.

If you have doubts or need further information remember we are available 24x7, 365 days chat, phone and ticket.