Gigas control panel guide

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Clients can only access the control panel if they already have a client account. This is created immediately and as soon as a product has been contracted. To access the control panel simply fill in the login form with the email you have registered with Gigas and your password, then press “Enter”. If you do not remember your password, click on “Forgot your password?” Fill out the form with your email address and click on “Recover Password”. You will receive a message in your inbox with a link. Click on it

Client's panel

From this panel you can manage your contracted services and contract new services. For a quick client overview, a color code has been designed:

  • White background: No service has been contracted
  • Green background with green top bar: Contains one or more contracted services
  • Yellow background with yellow top bar: Contains a contracted service where an incident has occurred

To access the contracted services contained in each product, simply click on it. This can also be done from the left sidebar.

Cloud Datacenter (/datacenters)

The number next to “Cloud Datacenter” indicates the number of products of this type that have been contracted. By clicking on:

  • "Cloud Datacenter" you access the list of products of this type.
  • "Add" you access the interface contracted.
  • the "I" in the lower righthand corner you access the page with sales information about the product.

A) If you have a contracted product but have not created a Cloud Server, this screen will appear: After clicking on “Add new cloud server” this screen will appear:


  1. The host name you want to give to the cloud server;
  2. Description (optional);
  3. Template: The operating system {Windows, Linux, Applications, other O.S., My Templates} you want to install for the Cloud Server. Some templates increase the minimum memory of the hard disk that will be assigned to the Cloud Server (template requirements);
  4. IP address: {Public IPs (with the number of available ones), private IPs}
  5. Cloud resources:
    1. Primary disk: Allows you to specify the space assigned to the primary disk system or to our Cloud Server. This can be adjusted using the up and down arrows on the left or the slider bar on the right. Some templates will increase the minimum memory of the disk selected to fit the template of the hard disk chosen;
    2. (Disk swap: Allows the size of the swap partition to be set. This is a requirement for some templates. This can be adjusted using the up and down arrows on the left or the slider bar on the right);
    3. RAM: Allows you to set the amount of RAM assigned to the Cloud Server for it to function. This can be adjusted using the up and down arrows on the left or the slider bar on the right. Some templates will increase the minimum RAM memory assignable to the Cloud Server;
    4. Cores: Allows you to set the number of cores you want to assign to the Cloud Server. This can be adjusted using the up and down arrows on the left or the slider bar on the right.
  6. Password and password confirmation: We recommend using a password that includes a combination of special characters, numbers and alternate uppercase and lowercase letters. Minimum length – 6 characters.

The Cloud Server will look as if it is loading...

  • B) If you already have created a Cloud Server:*

On this screen you can:

  1. Restrict by name;
  2. Restrict by status;
  3. Expand the details of all the Cloud Data Centers you have;
  4. See Cloud Datacenter product name;
  5. Rename the Cloud Datacenter;
  6. See plan: Assigned RAM and total, assigned cores and total, and assigned disk and total.
  7. See the various cloud servers of each Cloud Datacenter
  8. A specific cloud server
  9. Select to see advanced options
  10. Switch the cloud server on or off: Tidy shutdown does affect services
  11. Cloud Server host-name
  12. Operating System template installed;
  13. Tags assigned to the Cloud Server;
  14. Restart cloud server
  15. Show
  16. Cloud Server resources (disk, RAM, cores, IP, operating system);
  17. Root password/Administrator (Click on “Show” to see it)
  • By selecting Cloud Server, you can choose...

Cloud server This allows you to:

a) See the root password/Administrator

b) Access the Cloud Server console via VNC on the web (opens new window)

c) Reinstall the operating system

d) Change the description of the cloud server

e) Add/manage cloud server tags

f) See the details about the Cloud Server

g) Modify cores and RAM

If you have doubts or need further information remember we are available 24x7, 365 days chat, phone and ticket.